SELECT um.areaid, um.unitid,, um.yomi,, um.hp, um.address_city, um.address_town, um.address_other, um.catids, um.localid,us.flg_appeal, case when um.address_city ~ '足立区$' then '010' when um.address_city ~ '荒川区$' then '020' when um.address_city ~ '板橋区$' then '030' when um.address_city ~ '江戸川区$' then '040' when um.address_city ~ '大田区$' then '050' when um.address_city ~ '葛飾区$' then '060' when um.address_city ~ '北区$' then '070' when um.address_city ~ '江東区$' then '080' when um.address_city ~ '品川区$' then '090' when um.address_city ~ '渋谷区$' then '100' when um.address_city ~ '新宿区$' then '110' when um.address_city ~ '杉並区$' then '120' when um.address_city ~ '墨田区$' then '130' when um.address_city ~ '世田谷区$' then '140' when um.address_city ~ '台東区$' then '150' when um.address_city ~ '中央区$' then '160' when um.address_city ~ '千代田区$' then '170' when um.address_city ~ '豊島区$' then '180' when um.address_city ~ '中野区$' then '190' when um.address_city ~ '練馬区$' then '200' when um.address_city ~ '文京区$' then '210' when um.address_city ~ '港区$' then '220' when um.address_city ~ '目黒区$' then '230' when um.address_city ~ '昭島市$' then '240' when um.address_city ~ 'あきる野市$' then '250' when um.address_city ~ '稲城市$' then '260' when um.address_city ~ '青梅市$' then '270' when um.address_city ~ '清瀬市$' then '280' when um.address_city ~ '国立市$' then '290' when um.address_city ~ '小金井市$' then '300' when um.address_city ~ '国分寺市$' then '310' when um.address_city ~ '小平市$' then '320' when um.address_city ~ '狛江市$' then '330' when um.address_city ~ '立川市$' then '340' when um.address_city ~ '多摩市$' then '350' when um.address_city ~ '調布市$' then '360' when um.address_city ~ '西東京市$' then '370' when um.address_city ~ '八王子市$' then '380' when um.address_city ~ '羽村市$' then '390' when um.address_city ~ '東久留米市$' then '400' when um.address_city ~ '東村山市$' then '410' when um.address_city ~ '東大和市$' then '420' when um.address_city ~ '日野市$' then '430' when um.address_city ~ '府中市$' then '440' when um.address_city ~ '福生市$' then '450' when um.address_city ~ '町田市$' then '460' when um.address_city ~ '三鷹市$' then '470' when um.address_city ~ '武蔵野市$' then '480' when um.address_city ~ '武蔵村山市$' then '490' when um.address_city ~ '奥多摩町$' then '500' when um.address_city ~ '日の出町$' then '510' when um.address_city ~ '桧原村$' then '520' when um.address_city ~ '瑞穂町$' then '530' when um.address_city ~ '青ヶ島村$' then '540' when um.address_city ~ '大島町$' then '550' when um.address_city ~ '小笠原村$' then '560' when um.address_city ~ '神津島村$' then '570' when um.address_city ~ '利島村$' then '580' when um.address_city ~ '新島村$' then '590' when um.address_city ~ '八丈町$' then '600' when um.address_city ~ '御蔵島村$' then '610' when um.address_city ~ '三宅島$' then '620' when um.address_city ~ '^埼玉県' then '700' when um.address_city ~ '^千葉県' then '710' when um.address_city ~ '^神奈川県' then '720' else '999' end as order_city, case when um.yomi != '' then um.yomi else 'ん' end as order_yomi FROM unit_main um INNER JOIN unit_site us ON (us.areaid=um.areaid AND us.unitid=um.unitid) WHERE us.siteid = 'yohfuku' AND us.day_of_quit is null AND us.flg_admit = TRUE AND = TRUE ORDER BY order_city, um.localid, order_yomi LIMIT 20 OFFSET 80 Set-Cookie: sid=f6ed6da537b1cd857e4ee1cded3e862f;; path=/; expires=Sat, 19-Apr-2025 12:52:09 GMT Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2024 12:52:10 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=euc 東京洋服商工協同組合
紳士服の総合専門教室 匠アカデミー
春・秋のオーダースーツの祭典 洋服まつり
  • 組合概要
  • 東京洋服会館営業案内


店 名 住 所 電話番号 ハンド
(有)飯島洋服店 文京区本郷3-29-10 03-3811-5711
いたみ裁断教室 文京区弥生2-20-13 03-3811-2705
(有)かやしま 文京区湯島4-8-3-804 03-3812-7463
鯨岡洋服店 文京区水道2-10-7 03-3941-5760
(株)黒澤商会 文京区小日向1-14-5 03-3944-3046
紳士服エドナ 文京区白山4-30-11 03-3811-9955
(有)ジャノー 文京区本駒込3-5-2 03-3821-2917
(有)テーラー山本 港区新橋4-18-1 03-3431-4466
テーラー大駒 港区高輪2-6-20-105 03-3473-4253
(株)三進洋服店 港区芝5-13-10 03-3451-6096
(有)高橋洋服店 港区三田2-14-4-102 03-3451-1950
テーラー今泉 港区白金台4-15-3 03-3451-5995
佐藤繊維交易(株) 港区芝5-24-10 03-3451-2543
(有)望月洋服店 港区芝5-14-15 03-3451-3114
(有)テーラーモード 港区虎ノ門1-21-10-1903 03-3501-9053
小峰洋服店 港区六本木3-4-7 03-3583-5941
テーラータナカ 港区白金3-5-9 03-3441-8932
テーラーハセガワ 港区東麻布1-18-12 03-3583-1906
(有)テーラー森脇 港区北青山1-4-4-101 03-3401-1076
島村洋服店 港区芝5-24-9かとうビル1階 03-3889-3478